Your title

to be [defined], the book

 A book, at last.
Or another artwork?

"By way of introducing an exhibition whose germinating ideas started taking shape long before an exhibition was even considered as a possibility, I should perhaps start by talking about what the composite assembly of this exhibition calls into question and evokes. Or, quite simply, what it suggests. To come at it sideways, then, and from such a distance, continuing to proceed along subsequent trajectories, which will slowly accompany the reader (or the visitor) towards the core of what was meant to be said. Trajectories which refer to echoes of departures — some desired, some less so — impeded ways, prohibited crossings, programmed exclusions; the hope of arrival, the will to remain. Trajectories which since their very beginning are loaded with one key question: where does it begin, how does it articulate itself and where will the path of an exhibition lead, one whose very name betrays a sense of utter indeterminacy?"

(Virginia Monteforte, anthropologist and curator)

The time we’ve been waiting for finally arrived.
Guests waiting and guests mingling.
Guests grouping up and guests crowding in,
all eager for their free glass of wine.

Up the long entry staircase they dash.
Some feeling disoriented, others oblivious
to the rocking and oscillating waves.
They arrive, high up.

To their dismay,
one guest is denied access,
one guest is admitted but must first wait,
and one guest is granted a pass.

And one guest is granted a pass,
and treated to a free glass of wine.
So on and so forth, three groups form.
By chance, by mistake or by design?

The journey continues,
as planned and all under control,
with signage and arrows
clearly defining the route.

From one gallery to the other,
the experience proceeds,
revealing objects, texts and films,
at times hidden or blocked.

(Kristina Borg, artist and exhibition designer)


With articles by
Virginia Monteforte, Kristina Borg, Alessandro Triulzi, Alexandra Galitzine-Loumpet, Elise Billiard, David Zammit.

Published by Ede books, Malta 2018.

Cover photography by Jacob Sammut.







